If you’ve got a nagging feeling that your culture needs addressing, a really good place to start is with your values.

You undoubtedly have some in place, but it’s worth really interrogating them: are they evident in the life of your organisation, and do they help you find answers in a dilemma? I’d be prepared to bet that a review and a few tweaks would help them work much harder for you. You can find some tips on crafting a knockout values set here.

The next step is to integrate them into the business. With your team, plan some actions across all departments that nod to the values. They don’t have to be complicated! In fact, the simpler and more closely related to people’s core activities the better. You’ll want people to help, for which purpose it’s good to create Culture Champions from a broad cross section of your team.

All of this is probably futile if you don’t have a vision in place, something that drives everyone on your team to want to strive and support each other. More of that another time. Our focus at Larkenby is helping businesses get all these things in place, and our passion is for them to do so – just drop us a line if you want to know more.