by Erika Clegg | Jun 10, 2022 | blog
I’m serious! If you don’t look them up, can you reel off your company values? Or do they slip your mind? Maybe you remember three out of five. Or maybe the spirit in which they are meant, but not the words. Quite possibly you know they exist but...
by Erika Clegg | Jun 10, 2022 | blog
There are two types of people. People with gratitude, and people without it. To maintain a healthy organisation you need to populate it with the former and consciously stoke their capacity for thankfulness. People with gratitude find the good in every circumstance,...
by Erika Clegg | Jun 10, 2022 | blog
There’s a philosophy in sales, that you want to get to “No” quickly. Why, when we’re all about positives, success and optimism? Because there’s nothing more time wasting and morale sapping than a slow no. Your values are your core...
by Erika Clegg | Jun 10, 2022 | blog
Here’s the snag with values. They are like muscles. If you don’t keep up the work, they start to shrink and shrivel. Here are three ways you can keep them strong. 1. Having agreed a genuine, wholehearted organisational culture set, enshrine it everywhere...
by Erika Clegg | Jun 10, 2022 | blog
A great culture gives people the support to grow, and the desire to support the growth of those around them. This concept goes far back in the culture of Africa and is known as Ubuntu. Nelson Mandela explained it as: “Ubuntu does not mean people should not...