Contract of Trust

Erika shares a Contract of Trust with coaching subjects because it is important they understand they are assured of her complete discretion.

1. Purpose of the Agreement

This Agreement aims to establish a trusted, professional relationship between the Facilitator and the Participant.

Its purpose is to create a safe environment where the Participant can openly explore their personal purpose, values and future vision, confident in the Facilitator’s commitment to discretion and respect for the Participant’s best interests.

2. Confidentiality Obligations

The Facilitator agrees to:

  • Keep Strict Confidentiality: All information shared, discussed, or discovered during our work together, including personal reflections, goals, insights and other details, will be kept strictly confidential.
  • Prevent Disclosure: The Facilitator will not disclose or discuss any of the Participant’s information with third parties, including publicly, without prior written consent from the Participant.
  • Restrict Use: Information shared under this Agreement will only be used to guide the Participant’s journey and will not be used for any other purpose without clear permission.

3. Participant Responsibilities

The Participant is encouraged to:

  • Be fully open, knowing their personal disclosures are protected under this Agreement.
  • Raise any questions or concerns regarding confidentiality, expectations or the nature of our work together with the Facilitator as needed.

4. Protecting Interests

  • The Facilitator will act with integrity, supporting the best interests of the Participant at all times and assisting them in discovering, refining and acting on their values and purpose.
  • Any advice or guidance provided will consider the Participant’s unique circumstances and aims.

5. Duration of Confidentiality

The confidentiality obligations in this Agreement will continue indefinitely and remain binding on the Facilitator beyond the end of this engagement.

6. Legal Validity

This Agreement is legally binding. Any breach of confidentiality or failure to follow these terms will be viewed as a serious breach of trust and may lead to legal action.

7. Acceptance and Signature

By signing below, both parties acknowledge and agree to the terms of this Contract of Trust, affirming their commitment to confidentiality, trust and a positive, secure working relationship.