Find the honey
How to Set Out a Sweet and Sticky Vision Your People Really, Really Want
In this opening session, we’ll explore the essence of a powerful vision, contextualised in Active Ethos®. Vision is about much more than setting targets; it’s about creating a shared sense of purpose that energises your team and inspires them to go above and beyond. Imagine a vision so compelling it’s like Winnie the Pooh’s pursuit of honey, motivating even the most reluctant to make a big effort.
We’ll work together to understand what makes a vision truly irresistible and clarify why this clarity and passion are essential in engaging people. We’ll look at stories that demonstrate how a compelling vision can transform an organisation, helping leaders move beyond a focus on numbers to something that resonates on a deeper, emotional level.
Participants will get stuck into practical exercises, including how to discover what truly motivates and excites their teams (the honey!), reframe their vision and map how that vision can be embedded across the organisation.
By the end of this session, you’ll have the foundations to shape a vision that resonates deeply with your team, making them genuinely want to play their part in bringing it to life.
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